Once the eggs are collected from the female and semen sample from the male, the embryos are formed and cultured in the lab. The embryos are then transferred into the uterus either on Day2, Day 3 or day 5 of life. The number of embryos transferred depends on multiple factors like female age, any co-existing morbidities, number of embryos formed, their quality. Any excess embryos formed are then frozen for further use later. If the embryos are formed and transferred in the same cycle, then it is a fresh embryo transfer and the women post transfer is kept on medicines for 15 days and is told to then get a blood test done(serum beta hcg) on 15th day after transfer. If Beta hcg is positive she is asked to continue her medicines as she is pregnant  and in case beta hcg is negative then she is asked to stop her medicines, wait for her menstrual bleeding to happen and in case extra embryos are frozen then a frozen embryo transfer can be taken in subsequent cycle.


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